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University of Gloucestershire

The University of Gloucestershire (UOG), has 8,000 students studying for undergraduate, postgraduate

and research degrees across a range of disciplines and is a VET provider for a range of professional

programmes and short courses. UOG has a strong reputation for teaching and learning innovation, and its

graduate employability initiatives. The University has 6 key research priority areas (RPA) and the staff

included in the current project all sit within the Sport, Exercise, Health and Well-being RPA.

With a longstanding and thriving sporting tradition, the University of Gloucestershire boasts a range of applied regional, national and international externally funded research programmes in six key topics spanning sport, exercise and wellbeing. Colleagues from across the university and beyond collaborate, drawing particularly from the School of Sport and Exercise, the School of Leisure and the School of Natural and Social Sciences.

The School of Sport and Exercise is one of the largest providers of sport and exercise programmes in the UK and has an excellent reputation for teaching and research. The School is based at the award-winning, purpose-built Oxstalls Campus which provides sports facilities, specialised laboratories and technology-rich teaching and learning spaces. The School provides undergraduate, postgraduate and research student opportunities, where your student experience is the top priority, reflecting the university’s commitment to active learning, and to ensuring that you are fully engaged with your curriculum, building skills for employability and for lifelong learning. The student experience is underpinned by internationally recognised research.


Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

The Miguel Hernández University is a Spanish public University established in 1996. There are 16,000 full-time students and 24,500 alumni since the university's creation. The UMH offers Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s and

PhD programs adapted to the European Higher Education Area in the fields of the arts, experimental and

technical sciences, engineering, and health and social sciences at its four university campuses (Elche, Altea,

Orihuela and Sant Joan). The UMH has also fostered partnerships with other national and international institutions to promote student mobility and attract foreign students. In its bid for its internationalization, the UMH has set in motion a complete program of activities to facilitate foreign academic stays and to receive students who wish to further their education within our classrooms.

Research has an essential function at the UMH, which has adopted as fundamental missions encouraging

and developing scientific, technical and artistic research of excellence, and training its researchers with

postgraduate studies and doctoral programs in addition to specialized programs. UMH research activities are closely related to the socioeconomic surroundings of its campuses but additionally possess a relevance and level of excellence recognized nationally and internationally, made evident by the high number of collaborations maintained with other prestigious centers and institutions through R&D agreements and projects. In particular, notable UMH research activities include neuroscience, biotechnology, health, statistics and operations research, engineering, information and communications technology, industrial technology, materials, production planning and agri-foodsystems, among others.

Since it was founded, the UMH has been clearly committed to setting in motion an ambitious system for

quality, and this has allowed for continuous improvement in its collective activities. Over the years, our

Quality System has been in use at all the UMH centres, departments, services and administrative units, with

prominent recognition for the quality, excellence and innovation of the UMH resulting from this.

Palacký University Olomouc

Palacký University (UP) in Olomouc ( is one of the oldest universities in Central Europe.

Drawing on 440-year tradition of higher education it is a renowned centre for teaching and research. With

Reducing Injury in Sport with Kids: Youth Injury Prevention Programme for Grass-Root Coaches / RISK

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more than 24,000 undergraduate and graduate students and over 1800 teaching staff, it provides quality

education and excellent background for research in a wide range of academic disciplines. Areas of specific

expertise fall within eight faculties of UP: St. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Medicine,

Philosophical Faculty, Pedagogical Faculty, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Physical Culture, Faculty of Law and

Faculty of Health Sciences.

UP belongs among top Czech research universities and hosts several internationally recognized research

centres. UP has developed comprehensive international student and staff services. UP has joined the

Erasmus+ programme in 1997. At present UP has bilateral agreements on student and staff exchanges with

more than 200 universities in most EU countries and the number of partner institutions as well as UP

departments involved is increasing.

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